Friday, April 24, 2009


FYI: The Church has come out with a new Gospel Art Book which sells for only $3.50 in comparison to the Gospel Art Picture Kit that is $30.  You can pick one up at a distribution center or order online.  It would be a great resource for your Family Home Evenings!

Family Home Evening Lesson

Opening Song: "Give, Said the Little Stream" (Children's Songbook, 236) 

Opening Prayer: Child

Lesson: Mommy

As you begin the lesson, “accidentally” spill some crayons, papers, or other materials onto the floor. Wait a moment before picking the items up to give the children a chance to help you. (If no children volunteer, ask the children to help.)

Thank the children for helping you and compliment them for taking an opportunity to serve. Explain that when we help others without asking for something in return, it is called service. Have the children repeat the word service with you.

Talk about ways that we serve every day (cooking food for others, helping to do chores, giving cookies to someone in need).  Point out specific ways that your children have served that day (helping to empty the dishwasher, getting a clean diaper for a baby sibling, throwing something away for you, etc).  You can also ask them to come up with ways that they have served or service they have seen Mommy or Daddy do, if they are old enough.

Show picture of Jesus Washing the Apostles' Feet (GAPK 226).  Point out that Jesus is serving the apostles by washing their dirty feet.  Even Jesus served.  He was a good example of service and He wants us to serve others.  Jesus gave Himself by serving others. He didn’t give gifts that cost money. He blessed the sick to get well, the blind to see, the lame to walk, and the sad to feel happy.

Suggested Activity:

Have children color a picture or card to send to a grandparent or someone who is sick or in need.  Explain that it is a service to send something nice to someone. 

Go on a walk in your neighborhood with a couple of trashbags and clean up the trash.  Explain that you are serving the earth by keeping it clean and you are serving those around you by making their surroundings beautiful.

For older children: Make three small paper hearts for each child. Tell the children that you want to start a “Service in Secret Club.” Encourage the children do secret acts of service for their family members, leaving a heart in each place they did an act of service. For example, they could make a brother or sister’s bed and leave a heart on the pillow. 

Closing Song: "I Feel my Savior's Love" (verse 4) (Children's Songbook, 74)

Closing Prayer: Daddy

Treat: Make cookies or a favorite treat (rice krispy treats are quick and easy) together and deliver one plate to the neighbors. You can ding dong ditch and show the kids how fun it is to do a secret service! 


  1. I love this blog and have used several of your FHE lessons for my own FHEs at home-thanks for posting these great lesson ideas! I have recommended your blog to several of my friends. . . I was wondering if I could add a link to your blog from mine? Thanks.

    Andrea Griggs
    Utah, USA

  2. Thank you so much for this blog!! PLease keep them coming. I use this every week. It is so hard to plan a FHE for just me, my husband ( hwo happens to be a new member) and my son who is 3. This makes it so nice. THank you!

  3. Thanks so much for this great lesson! I am incorporating a message in a bottle instead of a sending just a letter or card, we are sending a message in a cool bottle thing and telling the recipient to send a message in the bottle to someone they think needs it, etc. :)

  4. Thanks so much for this great lesson! I am incorporating a message in a bottle instead of a sending just a letter or card, we are sending a message in a cool bottle thing and telling the recipient to send a message in the bottle to someone they think needs it, etc. :)
