Friday, September 17, 2010

Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

Family Home Evening Lesson

The 12 Apostles

Opening Song: 'Follow the Prophet' Children's Songbook #110

Opening Prayer : Child

Lesson: Mom

As we are starting to near General Conference Time, I thought I would spend some time with the kids getting to know those who might speak.

Print (and laminate if you want to keep) pictures of First Presidency and The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. These are mine that I have had for a few years that my husband made ( I just realised we didnt have Elder Anderson!! so quickly printed him for this photo!)

See if your children know any of their names.

Stick them on the wall in order.

Play memory or type of game with the pictures.

If you print two copies you can play match.

Read out some interesting information about them.

Talk about the importance of leaders. Why these men mean so much to us. We love them for their words, work, example, love  and dedication.

I need this lesson too, as I couldn't name them all off the top of my head :)

We keep our laminated pictures in with our Gospel Art Picture Kit. As new apostles are called we (usually!)  print and laminate a new one.


Excellent Apostle Recognition games found here at Suite 101

Closing Song: 'Latter day Prophets' Children's Songbook #134

Closing Prayer: Child

Treat: Gingerbread men or cookie people


  1. What a great lesson! Two years ago we made a "pulpit" (upside down cup with a slit in the top) and glued each apostle to a popsicle stick. During General Conference our kids had fun finding the face of who was speaking and sticking then "in" the pulpit for the remainder of their talk.

  2. Thanks for sharing this. I'll make sure to do this for our next one..I like the popsicle stick idea as well!

  3. Please visit my blog...there is something there for you!
