Family Home Evening Lesson
The Living Christ
Opening Song: "I'm trying to be like Jesus" Childrens SongBook #78
Opening Prayer: Child
I read to the children "The Living Christ" I picked out some of the phrases that I thought would interest them. They particulary like Joseph Smiths "His eyes were as a flame of fire; the hair of his head was white like the pure snow; his countenance shone above the brightness of the sun; and his voice was as the sound of the rushing of great waters, even the voice of Jehovah" They liked that he was shinier than the sun :)
After discussing the attributes and realities of Christ, I got the children to write their testimony, or a sentence about what they know about Jesus to be real. We wrote them on the back of "The Living Christ" that I printed out. Our 3 year old drew a picture of Daddy holding Jesus hand. It was very cute.
*I received February's Friend Magazine after this lesson. In the middle page is a poster of excerpts from The Living Christ. The pictures are good and would be suitable to use aswell.
Make a The Living Christ collage picture frame.
Here is an example of a very cute one at Crystals Craft Spot
or printable one at The Idea Door
Write out/draw testimonies to be kept
Cut out pictures from old Ensigns/Friend Magazines and make collages
Watch a short video of Prophet or Aspostles speaking about Christ.
Closing Song:"Tell me the Stories of Jesus" Childrens Song Book #57
Closing Prayer: Mom
Print out a tiny "Living Christ" and attach some Chocolates to be given out
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Family Home Evening Lesson
Opening Song: Jesus said Love Everyone Children's Songbook #61
Opening Prayer: Child
Who loves you? (mom, dad,sisters, brothers, grandparents etc)
How do you know they love you?
There is someone else who loves you to, can you guess?
Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love you.
How do you know that Jesus loves you?
Jesus loves little children. When other men tried to turn the children away, Jesus said to let the little children come unto him.
we dried our hearts on a skewer
Make Salt Dough hearts. Either make then let dry, or make earlier and paint them for the activity. Use a straw to cut a hole in the heart and you can string it into a necklace or ornament to hang.
Make a Paper Heart Leis
Make Valentines Cards for your family
Closing Song: Love One Another Children's Songbook #136
Heart shaped chocolate
Cookie cutter heart shape toast with strawberry topping
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