Christmas Wreath
Opening Song: "Away in a Manger" Children's Songbook # 42
Opening Prayer: Daddy
Lesson: Mommy
In the weeks leading up to Christmas we are doing FHE lessons about the symbols of Christmas. Instead of doing it all at once I have chosen to focus on just one each week, keeping the lesson quick and simple.
Hold up a wreath or picture of a wreath
What is this? What does it mean? Why do we have wreaths at Christmas time?
Wreaths are like a circle. Which means no beginning 0r no ending. This symbolises eternity - the unending cirle of life. The evergreen tree (used to make wreaths) means growth and everlasting life. Holly branches have thorns. When used in a wreath it symbolises the crown of thorns put on Jesus head when he was crucified. The red berries symbolise his blood that was shed for us.
Make a wreath
Paper plate wreath instructions found here at filth wizardry very cute.
Coat hanger wreath:
Bend a coat hanger into circle shape. Secure tinsel with tape and wrap Tinsel around and around and around. Secure end with sticky tape. Add bows, decorations as you wish.
Closing Song: "Picture a Christmas" Children's Songbook # 50
Closing Prayer: Child
Click here for Wreath Candy using cornflakes and marshmallows.
Hard Candy Wreath found here
I just wanted to say thank you for posting such cute family home evening ideas. I have 3 little kids and they love the lessons that I find on your site. I hope you don't mind me reposting them. I do give you credit when I do post them so my readers will come see all the great ideas you have.
I just downloaded and love more than I can say this awesomest FHE idea! Its the nativity story set to music that you play while your kids act it out and DON'T HAVE TO SAY A WORD!!! It is gonna change my Christmas, I can tell you that much!! Could you share the link with your readers?
Download mp3 Nativity Script Here!
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